My Final Days in Canvas Town – An Animal Crossing Diary #0

I’m wandering the town of Canvas tonight with newfound appreciation for the smaller details. Rather than the usual tour of rocks, trees, and shops on main street, I’ve taken extra time out of my day to talk to the villagers, appreciate the flowers, and just take in the evening, You see, in less than two weeks I’ll be departing Canvas for new horizons, and I’ve been so excited about it that I’ve barely taken the time to stop and consider the fact that I’ll be leaving my home town of seven years, unlikely to return save for the occasional visit. My term as mayor will effectively be over.

I decide to pick up some stationary from T.I.Y before it closes. I’ll be drafting out letters to all my villagers over the course of the next few days saying my farewells, and they’ve already seen the notice I put up last month regarding my imminent departure. But tonight I’m struck by a sense of sentimentality, and knowing that I’m likely to take a trip back to Canvas sometime in the next few years, I decide for my first letter to be to none other than my future self, the one who will be looking back on these days fondly.


Afterwards, I take a halfhearted browse of the rest of T.I.Y’s wares, as well as today’s Able Sisters merchandise. I run into Goldie and buy myself some skeleton pants, knowing full well that I won’t complete the set before March 20th – I just want the Able Sisters to know that I value them. I return to town, muddle around a bit, pass the time of day with Pinky, Crackle and Ed, and do some fishing, not really hoping to catch anything. I’m listless and reminiscent as my legs take me by Queenie’s place.


She senses what’s on my mind immediately, and encourages me to take in the town while I still can. The future may be exciting, but Canvas has been my home for years, and for good reason. We’ve had some good times here. Queenie is also my oldest friend, having lived in most of my previous towns, too, from when I was young. I think she fancies herself something of a big sister to me.


As far as I’m aware, Queenie has no plans of moving from Canvas any time soon, though she could always surprise me on the 20th – it wouldn’t be the first time. Either way, she is reading my mind tonight in ways that only an old friend can. I’ve said nothing of my aimless wanderings around Canvas tonight, but she’s in much the same mind as me.


She’s right, though. Canvas, Taymar, and other towns which came before, they’ve all contributed positively to my life to help shape who I am today. I’d be a fool to sit here and dwell on times long past, lest current days pass me by, and fade into the past themselves. And as for the future… I know it’s going to be great, but I can’t just sit around waiting for it to get here. I should savour every day of Canvas which remains in my present, and that means…


Some habits never die. I may not be taking the bells with me to my new island home in a few weeks, but it’s always nice to line my pockets with Canvas currency while I’m still here – and besides, I’ll need to spending money for my return visits!


Either way, I think Tom is ready for whatever the future has in store.