An Index Of All My WoW Characters, Because Why Not

Over the years, I’ve played a bit of World of Warcraft. Today, I’d like to show you every single one of my characters! Why? Well, fun. One of my favourite things about WoW is the variety of races and classes, and the wide customisability in appearance across both character creation and gear sets makes it a near-endless font of creative tinkering.

Most of the characters you’re about to see don’t have their final transmogs, and are probably a bit messy, but if I went out of my way to try and find them all something to wear for this blog post, it’d never get written. So, without further ado, we’ll go in order of… my current character select screen order. Which happens to be the order of level, then realm.


Race / Class / Spec: Night Elf Balance Druid

Lore: His “lore name” is Korrus Starseed. He worked within the Emerald Dream for thousands of years until he was awoken to help with the Cataclysm crisis. He’s been an adventurer ever since. Brother to Tolidar, Jerrek, and Virizard.

Notes: He’s my main character. Always has been. Created him in Mists of Pandaria as a clone of my original character, Shadowmadman, who I played in The Burning Crusade. (I was younger then, and didn’t truly start playing until later.)


Race / Class / Spec: Draenei Shadow Priest

Lore: Sister to Aeonaar. “Fell” to the Void after fleeing Draenor with the rest of the Draenei after losing her beloved. Joined the Twilight’s Hammer for a while, but left after seeing her sister from afar and realising she didn’t want all life to end.

Notes: Boosted with The War Within pre-order.


Race / Class / Spec: Dracthyr Devastation Evoker

Lore: Was awoken alongside the rest of the Dracthyr and became an adventurer.

Notes: My one and only Dracthyr so far.


Race / Class / Spec: Night Elf Marksmanship Hunter

Lore: Fell during the War of the Thorns and was raised as a Dark Ranger alongside many other Kaldorei. Rejoined the Alliance at the end of the events of Shadowlands.

Notes: Boosted with the Dragonflight pre-order.


Race / Class / Spec: Lightforged Draenei Retribution Paladin

Lore: One of the Draenei of Azeroth who was Lightforged after the events of Legion.

Notes: My Kyrian during Shadowlands.


Race / Class / Spec: Worgen Furry Warrior (ahem, Fury)

Lore: A Gilnean afflicted with the Worgen Curse, he channels his beastly rage against his enemies for the greater good.

Notes: My first melee-levelled character. My Necrolord during Shadowlands.


Race / Class / Spec: Night Elf Beast Master Hunter

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: Temyra has undergone the most amount of change since creation. She was originally a male Night Elf named Kritimal, who represented my lore character Jerrek, Brother to Korrus, Tolidar, and Virizard. Gameplay wise, was also my “PvP Main” during Warlords of Draenor.


Race / Class / Spec: Void Elf Frost Mage

Lore: Mostly unwritten, but he canonically weaves void magic into his frostbolts.

Notes: I used Arrokesh to play through The Burning Crusade’s Timewalking Campaign when those were introduced as levelling routes. Questing only. Was unable to finish the storylines of Outland due to the nature of Timewalking Campaigns. They need to fix that.


Race / Class / Spec: Human Demonology Warlock

Lore: “Netherwarp” is the only name this man will give when asked. He’s never revealed his face publicly, inciting rumours about hideous scarring beneath the mask. He’s a man of few words, though he’s been seen conversing with his summoned demons by moonlight…

Notes: Boosted with the Legion pre-order.


Race / Class / Spec: Night Elf Arcane Mage

Lore: Tolidar, brother to Korrus, Jerrek and Virizard, left Night Elf society after the War of the Ancient to practice his arcane magics in secret. (Arcane magic was outlawed in night elven society at the time.) He returned with other Night Elf mages as this was overturned shortly before the Cataclysm crisis.

Notes: Tolidar was my first ever alt. He was boosted with the Warlords of Draenor pre-order, shortly before I reached max level on my main! I don’t love how Arcane plays these days, but besides Temyra, he has received the biggest glow-up with the new customisations added in Shadowlands. He was also my Venthyr character in Shadowlands.


Race / Class / Spec: Human Arms Warrior

Lore: For the Alliance! Corvain’s blood runs blue with the soul of an Alliance veteran. A hero of the Fourth War, Corvain was among the most war-mongering, glory-hungry Alliance soldiers. Since the war, he has become a Stormwind guard, and is tentatively learning to embrace a brave new world free of factional hatred.

Notes: So… as you may have guessed, another PvP-focused character, this time during Battle For Azeroth. He was boosted with the Shadowlands pre-order!


Race / Class / Spec: Dark Iron Dwarf Destruction Warlock (that’s a bit of a mouthful, isn’t it)

Lore: Once among those who revered the Firelord Ragnaros, Anthracitus tacitly agreed to return to Ironforge and the wider world on one condition: Could he still burn his enemies with fel fire?

Notes: Heritage armour is type-agnostic, so Anthracitus was levelled with plate-casting in mind. Look at him. He’s glorious.


Race / Class / Spec: Night Elf Havoc Demon Hunter

Lore: Brother of Korrus, Tolidar, and Jerrek. Virizard was captured by demons during the War of the Ancients and tortured for millennia. This changes a man. His mind broken, he believed a raid by the Army of the Light to be a trick, and fled through a fel portal leading to Outland. There, he found the Illidari, and a new purpose. He sacrificed everything to defeat the Burning Legion. What have you given?

Notes: He stopped being my “main” Demon Hunter when I needed a high level Horde character to see the other side of events in Battle For Azeroth, and Demon Hunters were, at the time, level 98 starters. Or something. Christ, I don’t remember any more.


Race / Class / Spec: Night Elf Frost Death Knight

Lore: What if… Korrus Starseed did not wait until the events of Cataclysm to awaken from his long slumber? What if he was pulled from the dream earlier, to start a life of adventure before fate decreed he do so? Well, as it turns out, the Third War would not treat him kindly. He would, in fact, fall to the Scourge and be raised as a terrifying Death Knight. Thankfully, he would also break free from the Lich King’s domination to become one of the Knights of the Ebon Hold.

Notes: I had to log in to him to find some transmog because he looked so goddamn goofy. Unfortunately, Blizzard chose that moment to invade the side of the screen with some Breaking News. Damn it! Oh and er… never been able to get into Death Knight, myself.


Race / Class / Spec: Dwarf Retribution Paladin

Lore: Adamant Stoutwhisker was determined to live a life of peace in Loch Modan, keeping his head down as the world grew steadily darker, sure that he wouldn’t make a difference beyond dying pointlessly in some foreign land. When an old veteran friend of his died in the Plaguelands, he ventured north to pay his respects, and was horrified to actually see the devastation of the land with his own eyes. When set upon by a group of Undead, he found his mace endowed with the power of the Light, and knew his journey as a Paladin had begun.

Notes: Adamant is a pretty cool name, right? Well, he used to be called Smotencore. It’s extremely rare that I reach into my wallet to pay for a name change, but I mean, come on. Smotencore. What was I thinking…


Race / Class / Spec: Draenei Elemental Shaman

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: Metzen help me, I don’t know what to do with Smark. The name “Smark” isn’t even lore-friendly, it was just my Runescape username for a bit as a joke when I typo’d “smart”.


Race / Class / Spec: Kul Tiran Human Enhancement Shaman

Lore: Lady Rindle Brook, known simply as Brook to most who knew her, was raised by foster parents when she was found abandoned by the shore as an infant. She spent most of her childhood growing up by the sea, and yearned to know what lay on the horizon. The Fourth War began as she entered adulthood, and the influx of adventurers from the Alliance with their stories of the world beyond only stoked her wanderlust. She harboured no second thoughts about leaving her home for a life of adventure.

Notes: I might just delete Smark, you know, Rindlebrook is far cooler.


Race / Class / Spec: High Elf Subtlety Rogue

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: If you haven’t played WoW in a while, they “added High Elves” by way of customisation options for Void and Blood elves. As such, she still turns purple in combat, and I don’t know what to do with her lorewise. Gameplay-wise, I’m using her to experience the Rogue Order Hall story in Legion Timewalking.


Race / Class / Spec: Lightforged Draenei Holy Priest

Lore: Sister of Dionaar. Whereas Dionaar lost faith in the Light and embraced the Void, Aeonaar only became a more fervent believer in it, travelling Azeroth as a healer whilst searching for her sister. For her efforts, she became Lightforged.

Notes: Literally every character until now has been DPS, because healing and tanking makes me nervous. But Aeonaar is my character for learning healing! The biggest barrier to entry is the fact that, well, low-level healing is quite boring.


Race / Class / Spec: Mechagnome Marksmanship Hunter

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: I’m really not a fan of gnomes (or goblins), but mechagnomes? Well, sure, I could be a little robot gnome with a gun. Why not? His name is a reference to Kyzil Plateau, the area of the planet Veldin from which Ratchet (of Ratchet and Clank fame) hails. The robot dog is called Robomutt, after the robot dogs in that game.


Race / Class / Spec: Pandaren Windwalker Monk

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: I used to have a gnome named Elismyr who was my WW Monk, partially because that theming made for the least gnomish-gnome and partially because a gnome monk is hilarious. But then the Shadowlands customisations update hit and you could be a blue panda. A BLUE PANDA! LOOK AT HOW ADORABLE SHE IS!!


<image redacted>

Race / Class / Spec: Draenei Fire Mage

Lore: redacted

Notes: Look, it’s not really that exciting, and I can’t really explain why it’s redacted. Let’s just move on, okay.


Race / Class / Spec: Lightforged Draenei Unholy Death Knight

Lore: She was Lightforged, once. The embodiment of all that is pure and good. A Paladin of renown, a veteran in the Army of the Light. But in the final confrontation against the broken soul of her world, she met a bitter end. Now, she finds herself raised to fight once more, cut off from the Light, as a warped inverted image of her former self.

Notes: Lightforged Draenei Death Knights, I thought to myself. How stupid. But then, but wait, but oh?? Also, she’s the sequel to Arrokesh in terms of Timewalking Campaigns. She’s questing her way through Northrend!


Race / Class / Spec: Dwarf Protection Warrior

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: The character I’m using to learn tanking!


Race / Class / Spec: Void Elf Discipline Priest

Lore: Dedicated to learning how to control the Void, Reticent has devoted herself to the use of both it and the Light. She is far from the first Priest to dabble in such techniques, but she strives to use such control to better understand her condition as a Void Elf, and to help her fellow Ren’dorei.

Notes: Yeah I just made all that up, she was a Shadow Priest until just a minute ago. I think I made her when in a spur-of-the-moment “ah I just want a fresh start alt” before I last uninstalled the game.


Race / Class / Spec: Gnome Assassination Rogue

Lore: Umm…

Notes: Erm……


Race / Class / Spec: Void Elf Capitalist

Lore: Excuse me, dear hero? I’m not sure that’ll quite fit in there! Oh my, you certainly know how to cram, don’t you? Well, while I have you, would you be interested to hear of a bank vault I have in my very own possession, completely empty, open to you and your family for but a small fee…?

Notes: This fucker’s day are numbered. Warbands, ho!


Race / Class / Spec: Blood Elf Havoc Demon Hunter

Lore: Lord Illidan knows the way. But Lord Illidan isn’t here anymore, is he? And so, Zeverys had to find her own way. And where was she to place her guidance but in the leadership of her Warchief, Sylvanas Windrunner? Not for very long, mind you. Zeverys is a Demon Hunter, not a murderer.

Notes: My “Horde Main”, at least, during BFA.


Race / Class / Spec: Highmountain Tauren Guardian Druid

Lore: Hello! Honthir is very pleased to meet you!

Notes: Yeah okay I don’t really have a backstory for this guy, just a general impression that he’s super friendly. Anyway, I used my Battle For Azeroth pre-order boost on him, but the prepatch questing in Darkshore felt so antithetical to his character that I put him down and never really logged in to him again.


Race / Class / Spec: Mag’har Orc Fury Warrior

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: I like warriors, okay? Also, I plan to have a “Horde side” fully fleshed out, one of each class like the Alliance etc. Providing they raise the character limit, because hoo boy…


Race / Class / Spec: Undead Affliction Warlock

Lore: The Forsaken now known as Blight was once a mage of some repute within the Kirin Tor. At least, he was until he expanded his research. The Wizard Council of Dalaran didn’t take kindly to his forays into the fel magics. When they refused to listen to his pleas, when they reacted poorly to his demonstrations, he soon awoke under the command of the Dark Lady to walk the earth again. She had no such qualms about his research, and he resumed his studies with vigor.

Notes: Come on, Undead Warlock. It writes itself.


Race / Class / Spec: Mag’har Orc Beast Master Hunter

Lore: When the Mag’har were forced to evacuate their home world of Draenor for the alien land of Azeroth, not all acclimatised so well. Lokresh found himself crippled with homesickness. Orcs were not the only living beings to be caught in the teleportation, however, and Lokresh soon found himself reunited with his wolf Lonefang.

Notes: I might turn this guy into my Survival Hunter. God knows I have enough hunters already, but I’ve yet to try Survival.


Race / Class / Spec: Troll Elemental Shaman

Lore: Taz’dingo!

Notes: So a lot of these Horde characters are kind of “template” characters. I know I want them to look like this, to be named this, to have the class/spec, but I’ve yet to really play them. Taz is the first of these.

Oh, and I didn’t realise why the name “Taz” felt like it fit so well until later. Eh. I’m keeping it.


Race / Class / Spec: Vulpera Enhancement Shaman

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: The “Ratchet” to Kyzil’s “Clank”.


Race / Class / Spec: Zandalari Troll Feral Druid

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: The Zandalari Druid forms are so cool, it’d be a crime not to make one. I used to have a normal Troll Druid which I planned to learn Feral on, but this guy took his place.


Race / Class / Spec: Nightborne Demonology Warlock

Lore: Unwritten, but vague ideas about, y’know, using what he learned under Legion occupation for good / atonement.

Notes: I literally made this guy when I saw a Nightborne Warlock in the wild and went “oh! OHHH!”


I don’t know why he’s so scared.

Race / Class / Spec: Tauren Arms Warrior

Lore: I made an entire blog for this guy.

Notes: Then promptly forgot about him! Golgore, I’m so sorry!


Race / Class / Spec: Blood Elf Marksmanship Hunter

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: I think I created Delynara to play alongside a friend?


Race / Class / Spec: Night Elf Arms Warrior

Lore: Not all those risen to be Dark Rangers showed skill with a bow…

Notes: My guild moved to this realm, so Staffen was meant to be my Ravencrest main.


Race / Class / Spec: Dwarf Windwalker Monk

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: Well, Staffen was my second attempt at a main on that server.

The other two characters on that realm are just name reservations.


Race / Class / Spec: Undead Demonology Warlock

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: Before Blight, there was Morivar.


Race / Class / Spec: Blood Elf Holy Paladin

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: Made to play with a friend. Was curious about how you never see Holy Paladin healers. What are they like? Well, I still don’t know, really. Didn’t get far.


Race / Class / Spec: Dwarf Beast Master Hunter

Lore: When out hunting one day, fetching food for his family, Galstann was attacked by a boar and gravely injured. He would have frozen to death in the snow, were it not for the intervention of a bear he later named Galmaw. Bears are not known to be altruistic creatures, yet this one saw him laying in the snow and pulled him to the relative safety of a cave, laying with him to warm him, until he could nurse himself back to health. The two have been inseparable ever since.

Notes: Galstann was my foray into an RP server. Joined an all-dwarf guild. It was pretty fun!


Race / Class / Spec: Human Arms Warrior

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: Eadrig was a challenge character of my own making. He was only allowed to level up through mining (or happenstance XP from self-defence on the way to nodes), and could only wear what a smithed for himself.


Race / Class / Spec: Night Elf Subtlety Rogue

Lore: Unwritten.

Notes: Here’s a full-circle moment. I went back and recreated my original Night Elf on my original server with his original name. Only difference is, I made him a rogue, as this used to be a PvP server.

WHEW! So that’s it, right?
